
With quite some time on my hands during this quarantine, I found it to be the perfect chance to explore my own hometown and its surroundings. 

Turns out there's a lot to discover! 

This is an old railroad, or at least what's left of it. It was already in use in 1890! Nowadays no train will come near it. It lies in a beautiful nature area and it's part of many walking routes in the neighbourhood. It was about time I went there myself.

While the bridge alone is already spectacular, the nature around it is most certainly on the same level. not only the beautiful flowers along the walking trail, but also the views. It's weird to realize that this  is right beside a great city. 

Talking about the flowers along the path, there is a great diversity to be found, among which some lovely roses. 

And if you look closer and pay some attention to the little things, I promise you, it won't dissapoint. 

For where I am now, this place is just around the corner and I will definitely pay it some more visits. If you are reading this and wondering if you have undiscovered gems in your neighbourhood, my advise is to just go out and see! Maybe do some internet searches first or ask friends or locals. I am sure you will be amazed by what may lie just around the corner! 

This location is called the ''Moerputten'' and is located in the area of the city 's-Hertogenbosch. 
